Local Authority Licensing and Registration Looseleaf
ISBN13: 9780851208862
ISBN: 085120886X
Published: May 1985
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 2 Volumes
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription
Domestic Renewal Price: £1165.56
Overseas Renewal Price: £1201.56
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This comprehensive work provides all that is needed for successful local authority licence applications or registration. Areas covered range from nurseries and residential homes, to pet shops and dog breeding, to street trading and lotteries. The extensive statutory and case material is supplemented with a full explanation of the background to, and guidance through, the various administrative procedures of local authorities. The appropriate remedies available are fully discussed, and the role of the courts is reviewed in seeking redress against a local authority decision.
- Explains the working of local authorities in either granting or refusing licence applications, and describes ways in which appeals against their decisions can be pursued
- Sets out - with sample forms - each of the procedures to follow in making an application for all the licences granted by local authorities
- Presents the applications for over 50 different licences in alphabetical order
- Reproduces the relevant statutory provisions, circulars and forms and provides original precedents
Subscription Information: 2 updating releases per year. The first year's updating issues are supplied as part of the initial purchase price. Subscribers are then charged annually for subsequent updating. Any time start annual subscription for this title. We will contact you before renewal each year to ascertain whether you wish to renew your subscription.