The Gender Management System (GMS) series; Gender mainstreaming is the current international approach to promoting equality and equity between women and men. The Gender Management System (GMS) is a holistic and system-wide approach to gender mainstreaming developed by the Commonwealth, for the use of governments in partnership with other stakeholders including civil society and the private sector. The GMS is a comprehensive network of structures, mechanisms and processes to enable governments and other organisations to contribute to gender equality through all policy-making, planning and activities. Most books (but not Gender Mainstreaning in Legal and Constitutional Affairs) have an accompanying Quick Guide, which distils the essential points of the more detailed volume. Gender Mainstreaming in Legal and Constitutional Affairs; A rights-based approach to development that puts women and men at the centre of sustainable development requires good governance and the rule of law. It promotes laws that prohibit sex-based discrimination, that seek to establish true equality of opportunity between women and men and promote equality of access to societal resources. Constitutional guarantee