Regardless of your specialty - physician, psychologist, nurse, rehabilitation specialist, or attorney -post-traumatic stress disorder cases and brain injury cases are arguably the most difficult to understand, treat, and evaluate. All of the tools you need are in the new Neuropsychology for Health Care Professionals and Attorneys, Second Edition.I t containsoAn easy-to-understand description of the neuroanatomy of the brainoFour chapters devoted to neurobehavioral disorders such as amnesia, attentional deficits, delirium, dementia, disorders of executive functions of the brain, electrical injury, hypoxic encephalopathy, neurotoxic encephalopathy, learning disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), post-concussive syndrome, seizure disorders, and othersoA detailed description of neuropsychological assessment, including a critique of approximately 80 neuropsychological tests: their intended use, purpose, administration, sensitivity to brain damage, reliability, validity, strengths, and limitationsoHow factors such as medical illness, medication, psychiatric disorders, stress, anxiety, culture, language, suboptimal motivation, and pre-existing neur