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Murder by Gaslight: The Trials of Murder in Victorian and Edwardian England

ISBN13: 9780831761547
Publisher: Gallery Books
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

We think of late 19th-and early 20th-century England as a place of order; a place where stern Victorian standards of morality placed a blanket of security over the nation. While this image holds true to an extent, the England of this period also produced a succession of the most grisly murders in the nation's history.

In Murder by Gaslight Leonard Piper has produced detailed accounts of ten shocking murder cases which will chill modern readers just as they did the Victorians and Edwardians. Based on painstaking research, Murder by Gaslight reconstructs each murder in minute detail. The police investigation of the crime is followed step-by-step and the resulting trials are also thoroughly covered.

Murder by Gaslight is a unique look at the dimly-lit underworld of England a hundred years ago. It fascinates the reader with a wealth of detail about some not-so¬eminent Victorians and adds to the stock of true crime accounts available today.

Legal History, Trials, Legal History (Out of Print)
A Man of High Character
The Lambeth Poisoner
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