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Political Freedom: Associations, Political Purposes and the Law

Howard DavisHead of Academic Law, Southampton Institute

ISBN13: 9780826450302
ISBN: 082645030X
Published: February 2003
Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

""Political Freedom"" describes the liberties and rights of persons to take action which is deliberately designed to influence and affect public purposes: in particular government policy, the law and public opinion. Howard Davis looks at how the presence of political motives, when balanced against other motives, affects the legal character of the action, and asks why common law and statute should differentiate the political from the non-political.;The book makes a contribution to the debate on the effectiveness of democracy in the United Kingdom in relation to the right to act politically and to participate in the political process of the nation, a human right as defined by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Political rights and political theory; political freedom in international human rights law; political parties; charities and politics; trade unions and political freedom; strikes as political action; the political activities of companies; local authorities, advocacy and facilitation; political restriction; media impartiality; conclusion.