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Marine Policy: An Introduction to Governance and International Law of the Oceans

ISBN13: 9780815379270
Publisher: CRC Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £43.99

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This textbook provides readers with a foundation in policy development and analysis, describing how policy, including legal mechanisms, are applied to the marine environment. It presents a systematic treatment of all aspects of marine policy, including climate change, energy, environmental protection, fisheries, mining and transportation.

The health of marine environments worldwide is steadily declining, and these trends have been widely reported. Marine Policy summarizes the importance of the ocean governance nexus, discussing current and anticipated challenges facing marine ecosystems, human activities, and efforts to address these threats. This new, fully revised edition has been updated throughout, including content to reflect the recent advances in ocean management and international law. Chapters on shipping, energy/mining and integrated approaches to ocean management have been significantly reworked, plus completely new chapters on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the impacts of climate change have been added. Pedagogical features for students are included throughout.

Aligned with current course offerings, this textbook is an ideal introduction for undergraduates and graduate students taking marine affairs, science and policy courses.

Public International Law
1. An Introduction to the World Ocean
2. A Brief Introduction to the Marine Environment
3. An Introduction to International Law and International Marine Law
4. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and related agreements
5. An Introduction to Policy and Policy Development
6. Marine Environmental Protection Policy
7. Addressing Climate Change and its Impacts on the World Ocean
8. International Fisheries Policy
9. Marine Transportation and Safety Policy
10. International Law and Policy of the Polar Oceans
11. International Law and Policy related to Offshore Energy and Mining
12. Integrated Approaches to Ocean Management