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Law and the Stranger

Edited by: Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, Martha Merrill Umphrey

ISBN13: 9780804771542
Published: July 2010
Publisher: Stanford Law Books
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardcover
Price: Out of print

Law calls communities into being and constitutes the "we" it governs. This act of defining produces an outside as well as an inside, a border whose crossing is guarded, maintaining the identity, coherence, and integrity of the space and people within.

Those wishing to enter must negotiate a complex terrain of defensive mechanisms, expectations, assumptions, and legal proscriptions. Essentially, law enforces the boundary between inside and outside in both physical and epistemological ways. Law and the Stranger explores the ways law identifies and responds to strangers within and across borders. It analyzes the ambiguous place strangers occupy in communities not their own and reflects on how dealing with strangers challenges the laws and communities that invite or parry them.
