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Nationality, Migration Rights and Citizenship of the Union

Stephen HallAustralian Government Solicitor, Attorney-General's Department, Sydney Office, Australia

ISBN13: 9780792334002
ISBN: 0792334000
Published: April 1995
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £147.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

One of the most striking changes contained in the Maastricht Treaty was the establishment of a de jure ""citizenship of the Union"". For the first time since the Roman Empire, peoples of Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Europe share a common legal citizenship status. The significance of this development is potentially profound, yet it is one of the least discussed aspects of the Maastricht Treaty.;In this book Stephen Hall examines the legal implications of establishing a European citizenship. He shows that Community law has never given unqualified effect to the member states' dispositions of their nationalities, and that the member states have had their sovereign power to confer and withdraw their nationalities qualified by the Maastricht Treaty. The book goes on to discuss the implications of Union citizenship for Community migration rights, demonstrating that the new non-economic migration rights for Union citizens are directly effective but that they are subject to a range of important limitations and conditions.

EU Law, Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
Cases before the Court of Justice; cases before the Court of First Instance; cases before International Tribunals; cases before National Courts; citizenship and the Union Treaty; nationality and Community law; nationality and Union supervision; material scope of citizenship migration rights; direct effect of citizenship migration rights.