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Law and Policy of Regional Integration

ISBN13: 9780792332954
ISBN: 0792332954
Published: June 1997
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Offering a comprehensive approach to the study of NAFTA and its implications for the global trading system, this book covers the political and legal process of NAFTA approval as well as NAFTA's potential economic impact. Detailed analysis is given of NAFTA rule systems, dispute-settlement mechanisms and environmental implications.

Perhaps above all, the book places NAFTA in the broader global multilateral trading system now to be embodied in the WTO. It examines the legal rules of the WTO designed to regulate the activities of regional integration arrangements, and considers the potential for conflict between the rules and trade policies of the WTO and those of NAFTA.

The political economy of NAFTA approval; the basic structure of NAFTA; regional integration arrangements in the WTO framework; the NAFTA trade in goods provisions; the NAFTA provisions regarding services, investment and intellectual property; the NAFTA regulatory framework and dispute-settlement procedures; NAFTA and the European Union; NAFTA and Japan; NAFTA and the rest of the world; the future of western hemispheric integration; appendices - GATT Article XXIV, understanding on the interpretation of Article XXIV of the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade 1994, GATT Article V.