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Essays in Honour of Henry G. Schermers: Volume 3. The Dynamics of the Protection of Human Rights in Europe

ISBN13: 9780792331612
ISBN: 0792331613
Published: June 1996
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £288.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

Over the years the protection of human rights, both at the regional level in Europe and at other levels, has been marked by profound change. This is certainly true of the way in which fundamental rights, such as the right to a fair trial, are interpreted and applied by international and domestic courts.

New issues such as minority rights and the protection of economic, social and cultural rights have emerged. At the same time, a number of institutional questions have arisen amongst which the possibility of responding to urgent human rights abuses, the need to reform the monitoring mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the relationship between the Convention and the European Communities.;This volume provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the topical aspects of the international protection of human rights.

The Effects of the European Convention on Human Rights and Other International Human Rights Instruments on the Netherlands Legal Order; E.A. Alkema. The Security Council and Human Rights; P.R. Baehr. The Fundamental Freedom of the European Court of Human Rights; M. de Blois. Facing Urgent Human Rights Cases; Legal and Diplomatic Action; Th.C. van Boven. Les rapports entre la Convention europeenne des Droits de l'Homme et les autres traites conclus par les Etats Parties; G. Cohen-Jonathan. The European Convention on Human Rights in the Case Law of the Supreme Court of Sweden; H. Danelius. Article 3 ECHR and Asylum Law and Practice in the Netherlands; P. van Dijk. Problems about the Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Asylum Cases; F. Ermacora. The Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights; C. Flinterman. Male captus, male detentus: a Human Right; J.A. Frowein. Freedom of Collective Bargaining? P.F. van der Heijden. Minority Rights: Discrepancies and Divergencies between the International Covenant and the Council of Europe System; R. Higgins. Fashioning a Mechanism for Judicial Co-operation on European Human Rights Law among Europe's Regional Courts; M.W. Janis. Confusion and Conflict? Diverging Interpretations of the European Convention on Human Rights in Strasbourg and Luxembourg; R. Lawson. Individual Complaints under Article 53 of the European Convention on Human Rights; S.K. Martens. Human Rights and the End of History; D.H.M. Meuwissen. What is a ""Breach"" of the European Convention on Human Rights? C. Tomuschat. Reform of the European Convention on Human Rights in a Changing Europe; K. de Vey Mestdagh. Standing to Sue in Human Rights Litigation: Abstract and Hypothetical Cases; T. Zwart. Biography of Henry G. Schermers.