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Eroding the United Nations Charter

Yehuda Z. BlumFaculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

ISBN13: 9780792320692
ISBN: 0792320697
Published: July 1995
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £233.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

Reflects events and developments that took place prior to the summer of 1990, during the period marked by global confrontation between the two major power blocks of those days. That confrontation was largely responsible for the deterioration of the legal-constitutional climate within the UN.

Public International Law
""Masters of their own procedure""; Indonesia's return to the United Nations; abuse of the credentials procedure in the United Nations General Assembly; PLO participation on the work of the United Nations; who killed article 12 of the United Nations charter?; the Seventh emergency special session of the UN general assembly - an exercise in procedural abuse; UN general assembly meetings held outside New York; presiding officers at the United Nations and the duty of impartiality; obligatory abstention in the security council (article 27(3) of the charter); the composition of the Trusteeship council; charter transformation through subsequent practice?.