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Television Courtroom Broadcasting Effects: The Empirical Research and the Supreme Court Challenge

ISBN13: 9780761860051
Published: September 2013
Publisher: University Press of America
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £70.00

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Court and policy makers have increasingly had to deal with-and sometimes even embrace-technology, from podcasts to the Internet. Televised courtroom broadcasting especially remains an issue. The debate surrounding the US Supreme Court and federal courts, as well as the great disparity between different forms of television courtroom broadcasting, rages on. What are the effects of television courtroom broadcasting? Does research support the arguments for or against? Despite three Supreme Court cases on television courtroom broadcasting, the common thread between the cases has not been highlighted. The Supreme Court in these cases maintains a common theme: there is not a sufficient body of research on the effects of televising courtroom proceedings to resolve the debate in a confident manner.

Other Jurisdictions , USA
1. Introduction
2. The Supreme Court and the Research Challenge
3. Camera Developments in US
4. Cameras: The UK Perspective
5. What Exactly is Courtroom Broadcasting?
6. What is Television Courtroom Broadcasting (TCB)?
7. Are There TCB Genres and Formats?
8. General (Non Social Science) Research Literature
9. General (Non Social Science) Research Themes
10. Empirical Research and Themes
11. The Psychology Challenge
12. The Distraction Challenge
13. The Location Challenge
14. Education Effects Research 15 Education Effects Challenge
16. TCB Effects: Meeting the Research Challenges
17. The First TCB Eye Tracking Demonstration
18. Conclusion
Appendix 1: Select General Literature on Courtroom Broadcasting
Appendix 2: Summary and Categorisation of Supreme Court Effects Issues and Concerns
Appendix 3: General (Non Social Science)