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Civil Justice in the Age of Human Rights

ISBN13: 9780754645764
Published: February 2007
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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The end of the last century witnessed two major events in the field of civil justice: the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) came into force and the Human Rights Act (HRA) gave effect to the European Convention on Human Rights. This volume assesses the effect of the Act and attempts to reconcile the expediency and efficiency essential to modern civil justice with the need for recognition of human dignity and equality inherent to human rights.

The book is primarily concerned with the effects of the HRA on civil procedure and, in particular, the effects on the CPR. It examines the view that the new civil procedure regime could be susceptible to HRA challenges. More specifically, the work discusses whether there are differences between the CPR and the ECHR ideas of what constitutes a fair trial or just decision and between their views of proportionality. The study notes the differences between common and civil law and discusses whether there is any coming together with other European systems.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Courts and Procedure
Open justice
Equality of arms and related doctrines
Disclosure and restrictions on evidence
Impartial and independent judges
And so?