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Xenotransplantation: Law and Ethics

ISBN13: 9780754623793
ISBN: 0754623793
Published: November 2005
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

One of the leading causes of death is organ failure, that is, when one or other of the organs that run the machine we call the body gives out.

However, whereas with a machine, spare parts can usually replace faulty parts, in the case of humans the supply of these is limited as it is dependent on organs being obtained from living or dead donors. Due to the limitations of supply, increasing attention is being paid to alternative schemes for obtaining organs.

One of these possibilities is xenotransplantation: using organs from animals. In this book, the authors examine the legal and ethical issues surrounding xenotransplantation and consider the implications for the future.

As they point out, xenotransplantation represents a major deviation from standard medical practice and the possibility of transplantation of large segments of tissue, or whole organs, from animals into humans poses an entirely novel set of considerations - ethical, legal and scientific - which is necessary to evaluate and understand.

Medical Law and Bioethics
Human organ transplantation: an overview
An introduction to xenotransplantation
The regulation of xenotransplantation in the United Kingdom: the background reports
The regulation of xenotransplantation in the United Kingdom: the work of UKXIRA
A review of national and international responses to xenotransplantation
The ethical dimensions of xenotransplantation
Legal issues in xenotransplantation (part 1)
Legal issues in xenotransplantation (part 2)
Xenotransplantation - what next?