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Public Governance in the Age of Globalization

Edited by: Karl-Heinz Ladeur

ISBN13: 9780754623687
ISBN: 0754623688
Published: January 2004
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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Globalization and its relationship to public governance is one of the key issues of our time. In this book, experts from a number of disciplines attempt to define what these two terms mean and, perhaps even more importantly, what they do not. Taking as a starting point that globalization is neither the take-over of political power by multi-national 'stateless' enterprises, nor the chaotic unstructured process of dissolution of public order, the contributors suggest that what is occurring is more institutionalized than many critics would admit. It is argued that there are important transnational and supra-national elements of a new public order, which remain beyond the traditional borders of the state, but not completely beyond the state as such. Globalization, as opposed to former developments in the internationalization of the economy, is characterized by its transnational form, i.e. it is based on exchange processes which, to a greater or lesser degree, bypass both the state and the traditional international character of the world economy of the past.

Globalization and public governance - a contradiction?, Karl-Heinz Ladeur. Towards a General Theory of Globalization: Frontiers: national and transnational order, Lawrence M. Friedman
De-nationalized State agendas and privatized norm-making, Saskia Sassen. The Transformation of the Relationship between Public and Private in a Globalizing Society: Global private regimes: neo-spontaneous law and dual constitution of autonomous sectors?, Gunther Teubner
Globalization and the conversion of democracy to polycentric networks: can democracy survive the end of the Nation State?, Karl-Heinz Ladeur. The Change of Law and the State under the Pressure of Globalization: Global government networks, global information agencies and disaggregated democracy, Anne-Marie Slaughter
Sovereignty and solidarity: EU and US, Joshua Cohen and Charles F. Sabel
Legal orders between autonomy and intertwinement, Mark Van Hoecke. The New Forms of War in a Global Society: On globalization: the military dimension, Martin van Creveld. The Economy and Global Public Governance: The competitive State and the industrial organization of nations, Jean-Jacques Rosa
The network economy as a challenge to create new public law (beyond the State), Thomas Vesting
International trade as a vector in domestic regulatory reform: discrimination, cost-benefit analysis and negotiations, Joel P. Trachtman
Public governance and the co-operative law of transnational markets: the case of financial regulation, Pedro Gustavo Teixeira