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International Economic Regulation

ISBN13: 9780754622253
ISBN: 0754622258
Published: June 2003
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

By its very nature, the study of international economic regulation is interdisciplinary. The desirability, effectiveness and impact of regulatory options can only be assessed within the broad context in which those economic activities take place. This collection, therefore, contains contributions from economists, international relations specialists, sociologists and medical academics, as well as those employed outside the academy. The cross-section of subjects includes: constitutional rights; intellectual property; public services; environment law; and labour rights.;The volume aims to inform the debate and reflection on the prospects for, and complexities of, international economic regulation.

Part 1 Four contrasting pespectives: globalization and inequality, Andrew Hurrell and Ngaire Woods; the global age - from a sceptical south to a fearful north, Jagdish Bhagwati; reflections on constitutional changes to the global trading system, John Jackson; fragmented states and international rules of law, Sol Picciotto.
Part 2 Regulating international finance and investment: regulating global financial markets, Sol Picciotto and Jason Hanes; capitalism's last chance?, George Soros; the articles of agreement of the IMF and the liberalization of capital movements, Jacques Polak; the political economy of a bilateral investment treaty, Kenneth Vandevelde; the constitutional strictures of the multilateral agreement on investment, David Schneiderman.
Part 3 The multilateral development banks: the World Bank and the new millennium, Joseph Stiglitz; the political economy of the World Bank's legal framework for economic development, Lawrence Tshuma; evolution of the governing law for loan agreements with the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, John Head.
Part 4 The World Trade Organization: the great 1994 sovereignty debate - United States acceptance and implementation of the Uruguay Round results, John Jackson; rethinking liberalization and reforming the WTO, Martin Khor; assessing the general agreement on trade in services - half-full or half-empty?, Pierre Sauve; GATS and the millennium round of multilateral negotiations, Neela Mukherjee; how the World Trade Organization is shaping domestic policies in health care, David Price et al; the WTO trips agreement and global economic development, Frederick La Vina; intellectual property rights and indigenous knowledge of biodiversity in Asia, Antonio La Vina.
Part 5 New issues: the dilemma of regulating international competition under the WTO system, Ignacio de Leon; putting worker and trade union rights in the WTO?, Gerard Greenfield; the fair free-trade trade debate - trade, labour and the environment, Robert Howse and Michael Treblicock.
Part 6 Legitimacy and sovereignty: the domain of WTO dispute resolution, Joel Trachman; is the WTO open and transparent?, Gabrielle Marceau and Peter Pedersen; global civil society - perspectives, initiatives, movements, Richard Falk; global economic policy-making - a new constitutionalism?, Jane Kelsey.