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The Great Juristic Bazaar: Jurists' Texts and Lawyers’ Stories

ISBN13: 9780754622116
ISBN: 0754622118
Published: September 2002
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £150.00

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Some law students find jurisprudence daunting, impersonal, dry and seemingly detached from practical affairs.

Building on a pragmatic view of jurisprudence, this book explores different ways of reading and using juristic texts, to set them in context, to bring them to life and to engage with the reader's own concerns. It aims to bring together into a coherent whole widely scattered articles/essays centering on three related themes: reading juristic texts, the role of narrative in law and the relationship between theory and practice.

The author challenges parochial assumptions about legal theory and outlines a programme for a revived general jurisprudence in the context of globalization. He also explores in depth different ways of reading and using juristic texts, with particular reference to Holmes, Hart, Bentham and Llewellyn, and examines the uses and abuses of narrative and story-telling in legal contexts.

Jurist's Texts: R.G. Collingwood's autobiography - one readers response
The bad man revisited
Academic law and legal philosophy - the significance of Herbert Hart
Talk about realism
Karl Llewellyn's unfinished agenda - law in society and the job of Juristic method
Reading Bentham
Imagining Bentham
Globalization, pluralism and post-modernism - Santos, Haack and Calvino
Reviving general jurisprudence
The great Juristic bazaar. Lawyers Stories: Lawyers stories
Anchored narratives - a comment
Good stories and true stories
Narrative and generalizations in argumentation about questions of fact in South Texas Law
The ratio decided of the parable of the prodigal son.