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International Energy Law

Rex J. ZedalisProfessor of Law and Director, Comparative and International Law Center, University of Tulsa, USA

ISBN13: 9780754621645
ISBN: 0754621642
Published: December 2000
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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The objective of this study is to analyze the international legal rules affecting renewable alternative energy resources of the future - things like wave, current and tidal energy, OTEC, coastal wind power, offshore geothermal, polar energy resources, space-based solar collection, and mining of celestial bodies for power sources like helium-3. Its prime focus is on the principles of domestic law of those nation-states fortunate enough to be blessed (or cursed) with either the availability of, or the capacity to harness, any of the foregoing or other energy related resources.

Part 1 Activities within national jurisdiction: the coastal waters - the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone; offshore delimitation of resource deposits across national boundaries.
Part 2 Activities in area beyond national jurisdiction: the high seas and the deep seabed; the polar zones.
Part 3 Activities in extraterrestrial areas: outer space and celestial bodies; the Moon Treaty of 1979.
Part 4 The energy/environment connection in the international context: international environmental considerations; international controls on consumption of energy and protecting the environment.