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Taking the Law into Their Own Hands

Bruce BakerUniversity of Coventry

ISBN13: 9780754618843
ISBN: 0754618846
Published: May 2003
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Hardback
Price: £130.00

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Some of what passes for law enforcement in Africa would never be acceptable under international law. Bruce Baker focuses on the concept of rule of law as a central element of democracy and examines how far Africans have to go to achieve such status.;After a general overview of the role of the rule of law in a democratic society, Bruce Baker provides five case studies that capture the current complex realities and their impact on the new democracies. The citizen responses considered are vigilantes in East African pastoral economies, anti-crime groups in Nigerian cities and private policing initiatives in South Africa. The state responses are those of the Ugandan Defence Forces towards the Lords Resistance Army, the Senegalese army towards the Casamance secessionists and the Mozambique Police response towards criminals.

Lawlessness and Democracy in Africa: The importance of the rule of law in democracy; The construction of attitudes towards the law. The Army Takes the Law into its Own Hands: The Uganda peoples defence force and the Northern rebellion; The Senegalese army and the Casamance secessionists. The Police and State Militia Take the Law into Their Own Hands: The Mozambican national police and crime; Anambra state vigilante service (Nigeria) and crime. The People Take the Law into Their Own Hands: Vigilantes and crime in South Africa; East Africa's vigilantes and cattle rustling. The Implications for Democracy: Sustaining democracy in a context of lawless law enforcement.