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Tolley's Employment Tribunals Handbook

ISBN13: 9780754514886
ISBN: 0754514889
New Edition ISBN: 1845920066
Published: April 2002
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Tolley's Employment Tribunals Handbook is a comprehensive and practical guide to the rules and procedures surrounding the operation and decision-making processes of employment tribunals. It will assist you by explaining what happens at each stage in a claim and providing strategic guidance to help you make the right decisions.

Taking a step-by-step approach and providing tactical and practical advice, Tolley's Employment Tribunals Handbook will show you the best route through complex procedures.Covering the latest legislation, including the Employment Act 2002 and the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2001 - which raises the ceiling on cost penalties and gives tribunals increased powers to strike out 'misconceived' claims - this invaluable handbook gives you:-

  • Guidance on anticipating problems and how you can prevent a claim reaching tribunal
  • Tactical advice on whether to bring a case, whether to opt for mediation or whether to settle, helping you to make an informed decision whatever the situation
  • Comprehensive coverage of the tribunal structure and rules to ensure you are confident about the processes involved Strategic guidance for preparing a case

Employment Law
Tribunals Today; Trouble Ahead? Getting Advice; Options for Avoiding Tribunals; Pre-claim Requests for Information; Time Limits; Making a Claim: the Originating Application (IT1); The Employer's Response: The Notice of Appearance (IT3); Fairness: the Overriding Objective; Communicating with the Tribunal; Post-claim Requests for Further Information; Disclosure; Directions and Directions Hearings; Pre-emptive Strikes: Pre-hearing Reviews and Strike out Applications; Preliminary Hearings; Witness Orders and Orders for the Production of Documents; Postponements and Adjournments; Settlement of Claims; Preparing for the Full Hearing; The Hearing I: the Order of Proceedings; The Hearing II: the Conduct of the Proceedings by the Tribunal; The Hearing III: the Essentials of Effective Tribunal Advocacy; Private Hearings and Restricted Reporting Orders; Costs; The Decision; Remedies: Calculating Likely Awards; Steps after the Decision I: Review; Steps after the Decision II: Appeal; New Developments: the Employment Act 2002