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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been abandoned before publication:
Practical ADR Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9780421683402

Practical ADR

ISBN13: 9780752002965
ISBN: 0752002961
New Edition ISBN: 0421683406
Published: June 1996
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This text provides practitioners with key information on the area of alternative methods of dispute resolution, explaining the options available and offering all the advice and guidance needed to make informed and sensible decisions as to the most suitable course of action to take. Written by an author experienced in advising clients in this field, the book offers a logical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. It looks in turn at: negotiation, in particular at the importance of drawing up a strategy early on in a dispute and the sort of things that should be taken into account when designing a strategy; the conduct of a mediation, including consideration of the role of the lawyers, experts and clients; conciliation, with a discussion of the impact of a neutral expressing a view; Med-Arb; and settlement agreements. The book also emphasizes "how-to" techniques and includes checklists and worked examples of model agreements to ensure that nothing is overlooked.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Introduction - recent developments in ADR. US developments. Stopping proceedings and new case law. Training and ethics. Construction. Professional negligence and insurance. Banking and finance. Employment and workplace ADR. Global Dispute Resolution and electronic commerce.