International Insider Dealing explains the law and regulation of insider dealing in the 20 jurisdictions around the world where the top stock exchanges are located, as well as in five emerging market jurisdictions. It enables practitioners to give confident advice to clients in international stock exchange transactions. With its help, advisers of companies trading internationally will be fully apprised of the appropriate law and will therefore be able to anticipate and eliminate potential insider dealing problems. Giving a succinct analysis of, and guidance to, the relevant statutory requirements, the book adopts a highly practical format in each chapter. * Cuts out time-consuming legal research into foreign law, and costly consultation * User-friendly guide to worldwide regulation of insider dealing in one volume * The only book to cover all the major jurisdictions in detail * Includes worked examples to illustrate specific problem areas, flow charts and highlighted text serving as aide-memoires * Expertly written by specialists in each jurisdiction covered - information is accurate and authoritative.