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Housing Law and Precedents Looseleaf

ISBN13: 9780752000787
Latest Release: June 28, 2012
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf
Price: Out of print
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go


This work provides explanation and guidance on the law relating to residential landlord and tenant. It covers all aspects from security of tenure to rents and repairing obligations, in both public and private sectors. Additionally, it deals with everything from the right to be housed to the right to buy.

This is a work which recognises that today, housing law is concerned not just with the law relating to public sector housing but also the obligations of landlord and tenant under assured or secured tenancies in the public and private sectors. The result is a fully integrated and straightforward guide to the mass of statutory codes, statutory instruments, cases and Department of Environment and Housing Corporation circulars.

Throughout the work, there is a comprehensive range of forms and precedents, including:-

  • Coverage of local authority obligations to house the homeless
  • Explanation of how local authority and housing association allocation policies work and how to challenge them
  • The rights of long leaseholders, including service charges, security of tenure, compulsory acquisition of the freehold and rights to acquire the freehold
  • Expert guidance on the enforcement of repair
Updating Information: 3 updating releases per annum, charged separately.

Housing Law, Looseleaf Work
Who gets housed
Security of tenure (and analogous rights)
Disrepair and maintenance of property
Other rights of secure tenants
Right to buy
Statutory rights of long leaseholders.

Recent Subscription Releases:

Part Price
Release 39
June 28, 2012
Release 38
February 29, 2012
Release 37
October 28, 2011
Release 36
June 29, 2011
Release 35
February 23, 2011
Release 34
November 08, 2010

Please contact our subscriptions team if any further information is required.