A country-by-country guide to the tax implications for UK businesses of setting up a company in the EU. This book compares and contrasts the company tax systems in EU member countries, detailing the various types of tax paid by companies and the methods used to determine taxable income. To be as of much use in practice as possible, the editor, a highly respected tax solicitor, uses worked examples to clearly illustrate the advantages offered by various investment vehicles, including enterprise zones, co-ordination centres and holding companies in a specific country. This edition includes coverage of the progress of tax harmonisation and updates each country's rates of taxation. More than just a manual on good international tax management, this work should be used by UK advisers looking to optimise their tax planning and to ensure that their clients' income is not more heavily taxed than need be.;* detailed assessment of the principles of international tax planning * helps to ensure a company's income is not more heavily taxed than need be * uses worked examples to illustrate the benefits of investment vehicles in each country * written by a team of experienced, international practition.