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Syndicated Lending

ISBN13: 9780750659079
ISBN: 0750659076
Published: September 2004
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £47.99

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Syndicated Lending aims to increase the readers awareness of the benefits and risks involved in taking part in the Syndicated Loan market. This book covers: Who the major players in the syndication loan market are? Why syndication loans are used? syndication loan structures and documentation; and, secondary syndication loan market. It is inspired from the basic entry level training courses that have been developed by major international banks worldwide. It will enable MSc Finance students, MBA students and those already in the finance profession to gain an understanding of the basic information and principles underlying the topic under discussion. It contains questions with answers, study topics, practical "real world" examples and text with an extensive bibliography and references which ensure that learning outcomes can be immediately applied.

Banking and Finance
Introduction to Syndicated Loans
Attractions to the Syndicated Loan Market
Responsibilities and Obligations of Syndicated Loan Participants
The Major Players in the Syndicated Loans Market
Structures Used in Syndicated Loans
The Loan Agreement
Loan Covenants
Secondary Loan Markets