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Health and Safety, Premises and Environment Handbook: 2012

ISBN13: 9780749466244
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Kogan Page Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

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"The Health and Safety, Premises and Environment Handbook 2012" provides you with all the essential information you need on legislation, regulation, policy, case law and best practice. Information is presented in plain English, and broken down into separate A-Z sections containing legislative summaries, key points, handy fact boxes and sources of further information. All the guidance is written and compiled by our team of expert authors, including top law firms, surveyors, safety consultants and regulatory bodies. "Workplace Law's Health and Safety, Premises and Environment Handbook" is aimed at all those with an interest in the health and safety, premises and environmental management aspects of the workplace, and so our readership consists mainly of Health and Safety managers, officers and directors, Facilities Managers, as well as General Managers and Directors of small businesses.

Health and Safety