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How to Write Your Will 20th ed

ISBN13: 9780749459956
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780749455408
Published: December 2010
Publisher: Kogan Page Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Essential reading for an executor and anyone thinking about making or updating a will, "How to Write Your Will" is full of expert advice and easy-to-use information set out in jargon-free language. It covers all the important issues, including: why to write a will; where to start; tax and legal considerations; and, the problems of dying intestate. It also provides detailed instructions for executors on valuing and administering an estate prior to winding it up. Fully revised to include all new changes to tax laws and the latest legislation on trusts, "How to Write Your Will" now features an extended chapter on documentation, information on the legal situation in Scotland, a 'how to' section and an explanation of the implications for assets in other countries. Packed with helpful information, practical examples and FAQs, it is the complete guide to wills and probate.

Wills and Probate