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Splitting Up 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780749415174
ISBN: 0749415177
Published: July 1997
Publisher: Kogan Page Ltd
Format: paperback (C format)
Price: Out of print

Updated to include the most recent legislation and changes to the Child Support Agency, this handbook aims to guide the general reader through the various stages of a divorce or separation. It explains the tax implications of divorce, and how assets can be shared or divided.

Introduction, general warnings and guidelines; legal procedures, courts, the grounds for divorce and undefended divorce; the general law on property and maintenance; what income and property?; the starting point for financial calculations under the general law; calculating maintenance under the general law; sharing capital and property; the clean break; court property orders and what they may pay; wills and inheritance; children - parental responsibility, residence, contact, maintenance, adoption, local authority care and wardship; professional advice, costs, Legal Aid and complaints.