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Pregnancy at Work

ISBN13: 9780745312866
ISBN: 0745312861
Published: March 1998
Publisher: Pluto Press Ltd
Format: paperback (C format)
Price: Out of print

Over 50 per cent of the workforce in Britain are women, 480,000 of whom have a baby each year. This is a guide to workplace hazards facing pregnant women - from hospital ward to factory floor, office and classroom. Drawing on case studies, it illustrates occupational hazards and possible solutions, offering pointers for further help and providing practical advice for healthier solutions.;Reference material is included such as information on rights and benefits, a checklist of questions, a listing of helpful addresses and organizations, and a summary of relevant laws and European directives. Written in association with the London-based Maternity Alliance, it is intended for working women, and should also be useful for personnel workers, health and safety officers, trade union negotiators, and other professionals.

The right mix - a working woman's agenda; what can go wrong - reproductive hazards; the workplace - how hazardous is it?; reducing risks and hazards - what future ""mums""; seeking solutions; organizations and information resources. Appendices: occupational information; agents and substances reviewed for reproductive health effects; UK workplace protection; the influence of the European Community on workplace protection.