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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Corporate Finance and the Securities Laws Looseleaf 5th ed isbn 9781454858393

Corporate Finance and the Securities Laws Looseleaf 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780735563100
New Edition ISBN: 9781454858393
Latest Release: November 14, 2012
Publisher: Aspen Publishers
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Looseleaf
Price: Out of print
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go

Corporate Finance and the Securities Laws has been winning over practitioners with its clear "how to do it" approach ever since its publication in 1990. This acclaimed guide is now completely updated in this Fourth Edition to help you meet the challenges of raising capital in today's increasingly regulated marketplace.

Written in plain English by two top experts in the field - each with literally hundreds of successful deals under his belt, Corporate Finance and the Securities Laws is the "go to" resource which explains the mechanics of corporate finance together with the statutes that govern each type of deal.

You'll receive expert corporate finance analysis, procedural guidance, and practical securities law pointers every step of the way to help you:

  • Structure all types of corporate finance deals - from public, private, and offshore offerings to corporate debt restructurings, commercial paper programs, raising capital, and asset-based securities transactions

  • Root out problems before corporate finance deals are put in motion, with heads-up input on securities law prohibited practices, potential liabilities, conflicts of interest, due diligence concerns, and other red-flag issues

  • Shepherd transactions through the corporate finance regulatory process with a clear understanding of applicable statutes and their implications in real-life situations

  • Know what to do when securities law problems crop up - and find clear answers to the countless questions that develop in the course of a corporate finance deal

  • Close deals, raising capital in a timely manner and work shoulder to shoulder with clients to accomplish your corporate finance objectives
      Please note this is a US import item - Special Order Only

Other Jurisdictions , Banking and Finance, USA, Looseleaf Work
Overviews of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Integrated Securities Law Disclosure System
Syndicate Corporate Finance Procedures and Underwriting Documents
Selected Issues in the Registration and Distribution Process
Manipulative Corporate Finance Practices and Market Activities During Distributions
Securities Law Liabilities and Due Diligence
Rules of the Securities Law Self-Regulatory Organizations
Private Placements
Shelf Registrations (Rule 415)
International Financings and Raising Capital
Commercial Paper
Innovative Financing Techniques and Raising Capital
Convertible, Exchangeable and Linked Securities;
Transactions with Security-holders: Stock Repurchases, Debt Restructurings and Rights Offerings
Asset-Backed Securities: Securities Law

Recent Subscription Releases:

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Supplement 2012
November 14, 2012
Supplement 2011
November 08, 2011
Supplement 2010
November 09, 2010
Supplement 2009
November 10, 2009
Supplement 2008
December 17, 2008

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