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Law of Estate Agency 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780728205598
Previous Edition ISBN: 0728204150
Published: October 2009
Publisher: Estates Gazette
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £52.99

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This new edition covers important developments that have taken place in the past five years since the 4th edition was published, and their impact on estate agency. Expert commentary on the legal liabilities imposed on residential agents in respect of home information packs is provided along with the requirement that all residential agents belong to an ombudsman scheme.

In addition, amendments to the Estate Agents Act 1979 are outlined and necessary case law on matters such as commission and liability for property mis-descriptions are provided. The implications of more detailed record-keeping requirements, that are on the statute book but not yet in force, are also discussed.

Law of Estate Agency has been a leading work and reliable source on this subject for nearly three decades.

1. Introduction to Agency Law
2. Duties of Estate Agents and Auctioneers
3. Rights of Estate Agents and Auctioneers
4. The Contract of Sale
5. Misinformation
6. Deposits and Other Payments
7. The Estate Agents Act 1979
8. Other Controls on Estate Agency