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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Agricultural Valuations 5th ed isbn 9781138678057

Agricultural Valuations 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780728205512
New Edition ISBN: 9781138678057
Published: July 2008
Publisher: Estates Gazette
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Agricultural Valuations, now in its fourth edition is written by a practising agricultural valuer who has been working in property for over 50 years. His analysis updates recent changes to tenant right valuations, improvements, fixtures, milk quotas and dilapidations. The author uses numerous example claims and valuations which shed light on recent pipeline and electricity line wayleave claims, notices to remedy breaches, together with probate, income tax and compulsory purchase valuations. Further chapters deal with the guiding principles of how to correctly value farms, assess farm rents, carry out arbitrations, inventories and records of condition. valuation clauses on sales of farms, livestock, soils, management agreements, valuation in court proceedings and a glossary of useful information.

This practical, but detailed title will be invaluable to students, agricultural valuers and land agents who are looking to be kept apprised of up to date best practices. The author was awarded the ‘Kenneth Glenny’ Prize by the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers when the first edition was published in 1984. Since then the book has been expanded brought up to date to reflect changes that have occurred to rural communities.

The author, a member of a North Wales farming family, was Senior Partner of Coles Knapp and Kennedy, Ross-on-Wye. An experienced farmer himself, he keeps cattle and sheep, grows arable crops and also grows cider apples and hops in Herefordshire. He was involved for over 25 years in training candidates for the examination of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers and for many years the RICS TPC in agricultural practice.