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The Valuation of Property Investments 7th ed

ISBN13: 9780728205505
Published: September 2009
Publisher: Estates Gazette
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £39.99

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The credit crunch has highlighted the fact that fully understanding property appraisal and valuation is more critical than ever. With a long and reliable history, this new seventh edition covers all the major aspects of valuing various types of investment property.

Fully updated and revised, this edition tackles the problems of inflation and growth, the equated rent principle and the special problems of short leaseholds reversionary investments and taxation implications. Separate sections are devoted to investment appraisal, risk, investment strategy and computer and statistical aids.

Commercial Property
Part I: The Economic and Legal Framework 1. Investment 2. The property Market 3. Sustainability and Property Investment/occupation 4. Lease terms 5. Economic Factors and their Impact on Investment Value Part II Investment Valuation 6. Principles of property Valuation 7. Valuation Mathematics 8. The Valuation of Freehold Interests 9. Leasehold valuation 10. The impact of Inflation and Growth on Valuation Part III Investment Appraisal 11. Risk and Property Investment 12. The use of spreadsheets in investment valuation 13. Investment Strategy and Policy 14. New Initiatives in Property Investment 15. Conclusion