This new book aims to clearly define and explain the law and technical practice regarding rights to light, planning daylight and sunlight and how these are used in environmental impact assessments (EIA). Issues such as the valuation of compensation are discussed, with examples provided. The technical application is set out with reference to several short statutes. These are complemented by the useful additions of a summary of case law and a glossary of terms. Not exclusively for surveyors, it also provides an ideal reference for solicitors, architects, local authorities, colleges and universities and interested property owners with natural light issues due to adjacent development. This book deals with the latest guidance set out in BS8206: 2008 and the technical guidance of the Code for Sustainable Homes to help practitioners operate in the full field of natural light within the urban environment. It clearly defines and explains the law and technical practice of light in the built environment covering rights of light, high hedges, planning and environmental assessment. With worked examples of key light calculations and valuation methods plus extracts of statutes making a handy desktop aid to a busy practitioner, this book includes a summary of case law and glossary of terms.