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Property and Money: A Simple Guide to Commercial Property Investment and Finance 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780728202788
ISBN: 0728202786
New Edition ISBN: 0728205556
Published: June 1997
Publisher: Estates Gazette
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £42.99

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Property and Money is a simple guide to the investment and financial aspects of commercial property. Putting property into its financial context, it seeks to bridge the world of the surveyor and property developer and the investment and financial markets of the City of London.

Property Law, Banking and Finance
1. Characteristics of property
2. What we mean by yield
3. Why values rise and fall
4. Valuing future rental increases
5. Evaluating the asking price
6. Calculating the actual return
7. Valuating leaseholds
8. What land is worth
9. Measuring property performance
10. When valuations are needed
11. How accurate are valuations?
12. Valuing from the armchair
13. Property financing constraints
14. Investors and traders
15. Property and property company shares
16. Foreword to the figurework
17. Tackling property company accounts
18. On and off balance sheet
19. Classes of capital and capital issues
20. Calculating with convertibles
21. The profit and loss account
22. Profit and loss refinements
23. Untangling a property trader
24. Off balance sheet traders
25. Cash flow before profit
26. Launches on the stock market
27. Property company takeovers
28. Categories of finance
29. Financing with commercial paper
30. Multiplying the financing options
31. Hedging interest rate risks
32. Borrowing for the long term
33. Yields and redemption yields
34. Problems of security
35. Tapping the euromarkets
36. Warrants, options and complex convertibles
37. Project loans for development
38. Loans with profit share
39. Lenders and loan enhancements
40. Mortgages for business
41. Credit risk and credit enhancement
42. Leasebacks old and new
43. Unitisation and securitisation
44. How property bucks the trend
45. Trends in finance and property cycles
46. The crash of the early 1990s
47. Valuing over-rented properties
48. Phoney rents and true rents
50. Why landlords like headline rents
51. Valuing with shorter leases
52. Who does what in property