NEC's unique philosophy of collaborative partnering is transforming the acquisition of services and suppliers around the world in a variety of industries. NEC for FM is a suite of contract documents and guides published in partnership with the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) to support good practice in facilities management procurement in the public and private sector.
The pack consists of the already well-established NEC3 Term Service Contracts with their accompanied Guidance Notes and Flow charts, along with BIFM's Good Practice Guide on Procurement and the very popular How to Guide for NEC for FM. The NEC3 Term Service Contract should be used for the appointment of a supplier for a period of time to manage and provide a service. This could be used for a bundled contract where a single supplier provides two or more services on a complicated FM contract, or for a total FM contract where all FM related services are outsourced to a single supplier. The NEC3 Term Service Short Contract is an alternative to the NEC3 Term Service Contract and for use with contracts which do not require sophisticated management techniques, comprise straightforward work and impose only low risks on both the Employer and the Contractor. Crown Commercial Service, who provide centralised commercial and procurement services for Government and the UK public sector have given their full support to the launch of this suite.