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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
CESMM4 Revised: Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement isbn 9780727764409

CESMM4 Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780727757517
New Edition ISBN: 9780727764409
Published: April 2012
Publisher: NEC Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement - CESMM - has been well-established for over 35 years as the standard for the preparation of bills of quantities in civil engineering work. This much-anticipated fourth edition, CESMM4, brings the method into line with changes in industry practices and extends its usages into all new areas. New to CESMM4: - Contract neutral: For the first time CESMM can be used contact suites including with NEC, FIDIC and ICC - National Standard neutral: wherever possible bill items are produced without reference to some form of standard classification Without the limitations of the form of contract or the National Standards, CESMM4 is the most accessible and vital edition to date, vital for all civil engineering and construction projects across the world.

Construction Law
Definitions General Principles Application of Work Classification Coding and Numbering of Items Preparation of the Bill of Quantities Completion, Pricing and Use of the Bill of Quantities Method-Based Charges Work Classifications: - General Items - Ground Investigation - Geotechnical and Other Specialist Processes - Demolition and Site Clearance - Earthworks - In Situ Concrete - Concrete Ancillaries - Precast Concrete - Pipework - Pipes - Pipework - Fittings and Valves - Pipework - Manholes and Pipework Ancillaries - Pipework - Supports and Protection, Ancillaries to Laying and Excavation - Structural Metalwork - Miscellaneous Metalwork - Timber - Piles - Piling Ancillaries - Roads and Pavings - Rail Track - Tunnels - Brickwork, Blockwork and Masonry - Painting - Waterproofing - Miscellaneous Work - Sewer and Water Main Renovation and Ancillary Work - Simple Building Work Incidental to Civil Engineering Works