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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
NEC4: A User’s Guide 3rd ed isbn 9780727762054

NEC3: A User's Guide 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780727741097
New Edition ISBN: 9780727762054
Published: March 2012
Publisher: NEC Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book provides an essential guide for the successful operation of a contract let under the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract.

It includes a brief history of the development of the NEC3 family of contracts with a focus on the Engineering and Construction Contract, detailed advice on contract strategy and an outline of the main clauses and procedures of the ECC. It discusses the experience of users from all parts of the industry and, most importantly, focuses on the implementation of good practice - taking readers through what is necessary for the effective and efficient operation of the ECC.

Updated to cover NEC3, this is a helpful problem-solving guide providing structured hints and tips in a conversational style.

Construction Law
Part I: Introducing the NEC3 family of
contracts and how they fit together.
- A Brief History of the NEC3 family of
- How Clarity & Simplicity are achieved
- How Flexibility is achieved
- The mechanisms for Stimulating Good
Project Management
- A Quick Run through of the contract
Part II: Implementation
- Pre-tender
- Preparing the Tender
- Evaluating the Tender
- Post Award
- Implementing the Contract
Part III: Advanced Practice
- Use of Incentives to Stimulate High
- Communications using IT as enabler
- Earned Value Analysis (EVA) with activity
- Threat & Opportunity Management
- The Last Planner TM technique
- Critical Chain project management