After 24 supplements had been issued to the Second Edition, the definitive work on election law has been updated to a Third Edition. Presented in 5 attractive postlock binders, this work runs to over 5,000 pages and covers elections and referendums of every type in England and Wales. Parliamentary, European parliamentary, local, parish and community, Welsh Assembly, Greater' London elections and local referendums — the law and procedures for each are described in detail.
The author, Paul Gribble, has taken the opportunity to thoroughly revise and update the main commentary section of the work and re-arranged the text to put it into a more logical order. Much of the old-fashioned language has also been updated.
The work contains the complete text of all statutes and statutory instruments of relevance and these are printed in their revised form so there is no need to try to track amendments that have been made since they were first enacted. Election circulars, case reports and specimen forms complete the package.
Approximately 6 releases are issued regularly to ensure that the work is always as up-to-date as possible.
Please contact our subscriptions team if any further information is required.