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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Dog Law Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9780414048188

The Dog Law Handbook Looseleaf

ISBN13: 9780721913407
ISBN: 0721913407
New Edition ISBN: 9780414048188
Published: December 1992
Publisher: Shaw & Sons Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf
Price: Out of print
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go

The first part of this work comprises the updated text of Sandys-Winsch's Your Dog and the Law. This provides clear explanations of the law as it relates to dog ownership and covers a wide range of topics including owners' responsibilites, dangerous dogs, trepass, nuisance, sales of dogs etc.

This part is extensively cross-referenced to other parts so that the text of the legislation and further explanations can be found easily. Part two includes the text of the relevant sections of all Parliamentary Acts currently in force which relate to dogs, from the Night Poaching Act 1828 to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. Part three similarly carries the text of Acts relating to animals generally. Part four incorporates the text of all relevant Statutory Instruments and Regulations. These three parts are annotated with explanations of the text, definitions and further references. The final part consists of the text of Government Department circulars issued regarding the new dangerous dogs legislation.

The book is designed for ease of use and comprehension by those outside the legal profession and aims to be regarded as a reference work for dog wardens in particular. Its loose-leaf format allows the issue of occasional supplements to keep it fully up-to-date as further legislative changes are made.

Animal Law
Ownership and theft
sales of dogs
owners responsibilities under strict liability and negligence rules
dogs and diseases
dogs on the road
trespassing dogs
nuisances, byelaws and hygiene regulations
dangerous and ferocious dogs
dog collars and stray dogs
the rules about killing and injuring dogs
boarding kennels and breeding kennels
guard dogs
cruelty to dogs
performing dogs
dogs and game
import and export.