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Roman Law

ISBN13: 9780720405170
ISBN: 0720405173
Published: July 1976
Publisher: Philip McDonald
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780720405132

2013 Reprint, by Philip McDonald, of the 1976 North Holland Publishing edition

Highly recommended as an ideal textbook for students of Roman law by a range of academics, J. A. C. Thomas's Textbook of Roman Law remains a standard textbook in this fascinating subject.

It has been lauded for its simplicity, comprehensive¬ness and brevity , and is equally useful to the first - time student of Roman law and the seasoned academic. It deserves a place on the shelf of every legal scholar, Latinist and Roman Law enthusiast.

Out of Print for many years, until now, this indispensable primer has been reprinted, in an updated and easy-to-read format.

Roman Law and Greek Law
Table of Abbreviations
Mode of Citation of Sources
Chronological List of Jurists
I. Introduction 1
1. The Claims of Roman Law 3
2. The Roman Constitution and the Roman Empire 15
3. The Sources of Law 31
4. Classifications of Law 67
II. The Law of Actions 73
5. The Development of Legal Redress 75
6. Legis Actiones 79
7. The Formulary Process 89
8. Praetorian Remedies 119
9. Cognitio 127
III. The Law of Property 131
10. Res 133
11.Ownership and Possession 141
12.Acquisition of Ownership 161
13.Acquisition and Alienation through Third Parties 197
14. Donatio 203
15.Iura in re 209
IV. The Law of Obligations 227
16.The Nature of Obligation 229
17.General Features of Contracts 241
18.The Verbal Contracts 275
19.The Written Contract 283
20.The Real Contracts 287
21.The Consensual Contracts 295;
22.Innominate Contracts 327
23. Pacta 333
24.Quasi-Contractual Obligations 337
25. Security 345
26.Discharge of Obligations 357
27. Delicts 365
28.Theft and Robbery 369
29.Damnum Iniuria Datum 379
30. Iniuria 387
31.Praetorian Delicts 391
32.Quasi-Delictal Obligations 395
33.Noxal Liability and Liability for Animals 399
V. The Law of Persons 403
34.The Concept of Personality and Persons 405
35. Slavery 407
36.Freedmen and Others 421
37.The Roman Family 429
38. Marriage 437
39. Legitimation 451
40. Adoption 455
41.Termination of Parental Power 461
42.Other Forms of Family Subjection 465
43.Capitis Deminutio 469
44.Guardianship of Independent Persons not in Power 473
45.Juristic Personality 489
VI. The Law of Succession 497
46.Forms of Succession 499
47.Testate Succession 503
48. Legacies 521
49.Trusts and Codicils 531
50.Intestate Succession 537