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Principles of the Common Law

ISBN13: 9780715632703
Publisher: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Publication Abandoned
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780715633724

Abandoned before Publication

This unique book identifies, explains, analyses and discusses some of the most important and controversial principles of the Common Law of England, including some comparisons with United States law and that of Australia. Are logic and reason still principles of the law or should judges just be allowed to make up the law as they go along? Is the ancient principle of obedience to the law still valid today?

Does the concept of Higher Law have any application to English law in relation either to European law or human rights law? What is meant by the Rule of Law: is there really such a thing? With the great emphasis today placed on rights, does the old principle still hold true that 'Where there's a right, there's a remedy'? What has happened to the doctrine 'Nobody shall profit from his own wrongdoing'? And what about the human rights supposedly guaranteed by the European Convention?

This book focuses on two: individual liberty and freedom of expression. Michael Arnheim addresses these questions and also examines practical principles which can make all the difference to, for example, the validity of a will, the interpretation of a contract, or the outcome of a claim in negligence.