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Consumer Law 4th ed

Malcolm LederProfessor of Consumer Law, Middlesex Business School, Middlesex University, Peter ShearsDirector of Legal Studies, Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth

ISBN13: 9780712108706
ISBN: 071210870X
Published: March 1996
Publisher: Pearson Education Ltd
Format: paperback (C format)
Price: Out of print

This handbook provides a comprehensive survey of the main topics likely to be included in a consumer law course. It deals with the diverse elements of consumer law, concentrating on the legal principles applicable to those areas of most concern to traders and consumers and their legal advisers.

Part 1 Private law remedies: classification of consumer contracts; ownership and risk; sale by non-owner; pre-contractual statements and contractual terms; implied terms; legal control of exemption clauses; performance of consumer contracts for the sale of goods; remedies; product liability for defective goods and services; termination of credit agreement by the debtor; consumer credit; remedies.
Part 2 Adminsitrative remedies and criminal sanctions: functions of the Director General of Fair Trading under the Consumer Credit Act; fair trading; consumer safety; trade descriptions; compensation orders; the settlement of consumer disputes; food law; exam technique; past exam questions.