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The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law

ISBN13: 9780674061798
Published: September 2011
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Country of Publication: United States
Format: Paperback (Hardback 2009)
Price: Out of print
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780674035430

International environmental law is often closer to home than we know, affecting the food we eat, the products we buy, and even the air we breathe. Drawing on more than two decades of experience as a government negotiator, consultant, and academic, Daniel Bodansky brings a real-world perspective on the processes by which international environmental law develops, and influences the behavior of state and non-state actors. In self-contained chapters that offer a clear guide to a complex field, Bodansky answers fundamental questions about how international environmental law works. What role can law play in addressing global environmental challenges such as climate change, ozone depletion, and loss of biodiversity? How do environmental problems come onto the international agenda? What are the obstacles to international cooperation, and what can international environmental law do to address them? How do international rules develop? And how are they put into practice and what makes them effective?

Environmental Law
Part 1: General * What Is International Environmental Law? * History * Causes * Policy Part 2: The International Environmental Process * Norms * Actors * Promoting International Cooperation Part 3: Standard-Setting * International Environmental Agreements * Custom Part 4: Implementation and Effectiveness * Implementation * International Facilitation and Enforcement * Effectiveness * Conclusion: Taking Stock * Table of Treaties * Index