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Rumpole and the Reign of Terror

ISBN13: 9780670916214
ISBN: 0670916218
Published: October 2006
Publisher: Viking
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print
Paperback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780241953143

Out of Print

In the dark days of the war on terror, only one man can be counted on to fight injustice, defend the innocent and insist on a fair and decent trial for all, contrary to New Labour's new anti-terrorism laws. Rumpole's wig may be yellowing at the roots, his gown might be in tatters, but the oldest inhabitant of 4 Equity Court has no use for the word 'retirement'.

There's the larcenous Timson family to defend, suicide bombers to dodge, Pommeroy' s Wine Bar to frequent and the financing of the Rum pole household - with Hilda's indulgence in luxury cleaning products - to look after.

But when Dr Khan, husband of the beautiful Tiffany Timson, is arrested on suspicion of terrorism, Rumpole prepares to drop everything and take on his biggest challenge yet. Horrified to learn that the accused doesn't even know what he's charged with, he determines to insist upon a fair trial. But battling against the new legislation, and the slippery Home Secretary, proves a tricky task. And when She Who Must Be Obeyed starts locking herself in the boxroom, 'minding her own business', Rumpole finds himself losing the plot, clueless about the goings-on even in his own mansion flat.

Is the Anglophile doctor really an al-Qaeda agent? Will Rumpole discover Hilda's secret before it's too late? Will the Timson family ever forgive him for defending a 'terrorist'? Featuring exclusive extracts from the memoirs of She Who Must Be Obeyed, and packed with John Mortimer's wickedly funny satire and compulsive plot-twists, Rumpole and the Reign of Terror sees the great defender return to the Old Bailey in a case that challenges the very notion of modern justice.