This text has been updated to reflect the developing knowledge of BSE and E coli O157. The information on campylobacter has been extended to reflect its importance as the most frequently reported food poisoning organism in the UK.;Since the previous edition was published in 1991, public interest in food safety has increased with frequent food scares being widely reported in the media. Meat animals have been heavily involved in many of these scares, particularly with reference to the BSE crisis and more recently the E coli O157 outbreak of food poisoning in Scotland. Thus, the importance of meat inspection and meat inspection training is at its most significant level of awareness for many years.;More information about specific diseases and conditions which require condemnation of the animal, such as glanders or farcy, lymphadenitis, rabies and viraemia, have been included for the first time in this edition. The chapter on the slaughter of animals has been rewritten to reflect the changes in slaughter practice. The information on the sexing and ageing of poultry has also been extended to give more detail.