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Planning Use Classes 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780632025862
ISBN: 0632025867
Published: March 1991
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

There was considerable demand for this book when it was first published in 1987 as a straightforward guide to the new Planning Use Classes Order 1987 for England and Wales. The book has now been updated and expanded to include more information on the important changes to the A and B classes, recent appeal decisions and planning policy changes, the relevant parts of the new 1988 General Development Order and the new 1989 Use Classes Order for Scotland. consideralbe success of first edition now covers Scotland including recent new changes

The Use Classes Orders before the reform; The reform of the Order 1985-7; The A classes; The B classes; The rest of the 1987 Order; Consequences of the 1987 Order; Use classes orders: Scotland and elsewhere; Appendices.