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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Multinational Enterprises and the Law 2nd ed isbn 9780199227969

Multinational Enterprises and the Law

ISBN13: 9780631216766
ISBN: 0631216766
New Edition ISBN: 9780199227969
Published: April 2001
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print

Multinational enterprises are becoming a dominant force in international business but surprisingly little has been written on the vital question of the legal issues surrounding their global operations.Newly updated in paperback, Multinational Enterprises and the Law represents the only complete contemporary and interdisciplinary account of the various techniques used to regulate MNE's at national, regional and international levels.

The coverage is comprehensive, authoritative and accessible using numerous case studies from both developed and developing stages to unite theory and current practice.Split into three major sections the book deals with:-

  • Part I - the conceptual background to MNE regulation.
  • Part II - a complete examination of the limits of national and regional jurisdiction in regulating MNEs, restrictions on entry and establishment, investment promotion, the impact of the WTO post-entry controls in the fields of tax, company law, antitrust and labour law.
  • Part III - the contribution of international law and organizations to the regulation of MNEs, including renegotiations and expropriation, ICSID, MIGA and bilateral investment treaties.
The author has skilfully identified the contributions that economics, politics and sociology can add to a full understanding of the legal environment in which the MNE operates.There can be no doubt that the breadth and depth of the coverage in this book will make it the definitive reference for students, researchers and practitioners in international law, business law, development studies, international politics and international business.

Company Law
List of Cases
List of Statutes
List of Treaties
List of Publications of Governments and International Organizations
Preface and Acknowledgements
List of Abbreviations
Part 1: The Conceptual Framework:
Concern over Multinational Enterprises
The Evolution of Modern Multinational Enterprises
Business and Legal Forms of Multinational Enterprise: towards a Theory of Control
Relations between MNEs and States: Towards a Theory of Regulation
Part II: Regulation by Home and Host States:
The Jurisdictional Limits of Regulation through National or Regional Law
The Control of Inward Investment by Host States
Measures for the Encouragement of Inward Direct Investment
Taxation Problems Associated with MNEs
Group Liability and Director's Duties
Accountability and Disclosure
Regulation through Antitrust Law
Technology Transfer
Labour Relations
Part III: The Emerging System of International Regulation:
Renegotiation and Expropriation
The Settlement of International Investment Disputes
The Codification of International Standards for the Treatment of Foreign Investors
Bilateral Investment Treaties