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Transformative Visions of Legal Education

Edited by: Anthony Bradney, Fiona Cownie

ISBN13: 9780631211372
ISBN: 0631211373
Published: August 1998
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £19.99

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Higher Education institutions around the world are subject to an increasing amount of pressure from the state. In many cases, this has resulted in their having to cope with increasing numbers of students on the basis of diminished resources.

Withing universities, this results in pressure being exerted on individual departments to carry out more activity more quickly, more efficiently, and above all more cheaply. How have law schools reacted to this? Will we see an increasing movement towards the training of professional lawyers, or is the liberal law degree alive and well? What are the pedagogic concerns of law teachers? Is there a pressing need to learn more about the nature of law as a discipline so that new areas of law teaching and legal research can be developed within university law schools. ?

This volume brings together the work of a number of distinguished scholars who have examined such questions from a number of different perspectives. There are comparative insights from a number of common law jurisdictions as well as wide ranging discussions of the future development of law schools.

English Legal System
1. Thinking About Law Schools: Rutland Reviewed: William Twinning (University College London).
2. The Political Economy of Canadian Legal Education: H. W. Arthurs (York University, Canada).
3.Failed Sociologists in the Market Place: Law Schools in Australia: Christine Parker and Andrew Goldsmith (University of New South Wales, and School of Cultural Studies, Adelaide).
4. Privatizing the Universities: Jane Kelsey (University of Auckland).
5. Law as a Parasitic Discipline: Anthony Bradney (University of Leicester).
6. New Wine in Old Bottles or New Wine in New Bottles?: Pat Leighton (Manchester Metropolitan University).
7. Women Legal Academics: A New Research Agenda?: Fiona Cownie (University of Leicester).
8. Gazing into the Future through a VDU: Communications, Information Technology, and Law Teaching: Peter Alldridge and Ann Mumford (Cardiff Law School).
9. Ethics for Lawyers or Ethics for Citizens?New Directions for Legal Education: Julian Webb (University of the West of England).
10. History is Past Politics:A Critique of the Legal Skills Movement in England and Wales: Andrew Boon (University of Westminster).