This new textbook on equity and trusts law has been designed to cover all the main topics on undergraduate courses comprehensively but concisely. It offers a clear and accurate explanation of the law, presented in a systematic and logical order for learning and revision.
The book is exceptionally accessible to students new to the subject. Key features of this book include: a clear and accessible introduction to this often difficult to grasp subject, which maps well onto course syllabuses; covers key contemporary cases and issues in the media to engage students' interest; and includes critical discussion and analysis so that students are exposed to the issues and debates in the subject.
Comparative approach examining developments from US and Commonwealth jurisdictions allows students to reflect on UK perspectives within a global context. Each chapter includes flow charts, diagrams, chapter summaries, guidelines on answering typical examination questions. Inclusion of specimen documents on trusts allows students to see real examples. Companion website with regular bi-annual updates ensures the book remains as current as possible. Color text design helps readers navigate easily through the text.